
I'm Eswarya Kotha

A daydreamer, foodie, and an artsy-craftsy human currently studying at
Purdue University

My Life so far

My childhood fascination with dismantling household items (and occasionally reassembling them) led me to pursue my undergraduate degree in Electronics & Communication engineering.
Beyond circuits and code, I yearned to understand the human side of technology – what makes it tick, what makes it lovable.

My tech playground back in undergrad
Backend Dev
Change Management
Project Management
Ideation & Strategy
Real-world exposure gained

During my two years as a change management analyst, I had a front-row seat to the intricate dance between product design and user expectations.
I learned that success hinges not just on functionality but on forging an emotional connection.

Ultimately, I was led by a dream to create an impact, one tiny step at a time, as we navigate a technologically chaotic world. I hope my past experiences will enable me to weave together the understandings I've cultivated over the years, creating meaningful interactions for all of us. As I delve deeper into user-centered design and its impact on people, I am committed to designing interfaces that not only function effectively but also incorporate elements of fun and playfulness.

The UX tools I'm learning about!
UX Design & Research
Interaction Design
Wireframes & Prototyping
Information Architecture
I’d love to share a quick hi and a cup of chai through my  LinkedIn!